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Karen Missk



About missk:


From soviet communist housing in eastern europe, trough
the chill nights of a small apartment in jerusalem till the escape
to city near the sea became  the misSk


Since the day she learned to grab a hold of a crayon miss wouldn’t
stop painting and drawing.


She studied at bezalel academy, got educated by friends and
constantly refused to learn from her mistakes.


Missk is enjoying the freedom of exploring different mediums
(from classic oil on canvas to sneaky street art) creating  a
sweet and rotten world of strong haunting graphic images and
bold colours, finding their way to glimpse back at the spectator
as much as them looking at the images


Previous shows


Naked roots- container jaffa- solo show

Excuses - mizantrope, tel aviv- solo show 

Aegri Somnia- kuliAlma gallery space, tel aviv- solo show 




מספר תערוכות ופרוייקטים קבוצתיים


חברותא- פרוייקט זוגות בקונטיינר נמל יפו

buxa (container)

omg group project (tlv)

moon art (tlv)

 אומנות סודית בית מאני ודור המשך, בנק לאומי

סלון סתיו מכירה קבוצתית


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