NAME: Vcherushanski Mark 1934-2013
DATE OF BIRTH: 30 of October 1934 Kiev Ukraina
EDUCATION: 1961-1967- State Art Academy Named by V.I.Surikov (painting faculty) Moscow
1968-1971 - Doctrant Academy of Art Russia, Moscow
PERSONAL EXHIBITIONS: 1978 - People’s House, Givatayim
1979 - Bet Zvi, Ramat Gan
2009 - Portraits and Landscapes, Cultural House, Modiin
2009 - Land Scapes/Human Scapes, Artist House, Tel Aviv
2010 - My studio-my Temple- The Red House art gallery - Tel Aviv 2011 - NETS-The RED HOUSE art gallery Tel-Aviv
2012 - The studio of Mark - The RED HOUSE art gallery Tel-Aviv
GROUP EXHIBITIONS: 1964 - Student exhibition, Vilnius, Lithuania
1967 - Exhibition Hall, Painter Society, Moscow
1969 - Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg
1972 - Academy Exhibition Hall, Moscow
1976 - Arts Fair - Jerusalem
1989 -“Exhibition for Painting and Sculpture of Immigrants Artists”, WIZO, Tel Aviv
1989-1993: Studio and presentation in several Exhibitions in the Artist’s Village" Sa-nur"
1999 - Exhibition with Modiin Artists
2003 - Exhibition in Center for Arts, Jerusalem
2004 - Exhibition in Center for Arts, Jerusalem
2005 - Exhibition in Center for Arts, Jerusalem
2009-2012 took place in a few group Exhibitions in The"Red House -Art Gallery" Tel-Aviv
Mark was living in Israel from 1976. He worked as a teacher in the VIZO-ZARFAT high school Tel-Aviv 1977-1999.
From 1997 he was living and working in his studio in Modiin.
Mark is a member of Israeli Professional Artists Association(IPAA)